Part 1:
Paul Ekman 於 1972年提出的基本情感
Part 2:
這是 CEBM checklist for SR Q2 的內容
我想要拆解 Q2 為更細項的小題目,目標是 3~7 題。拆解的小題目要符合原始 Q2 的內容/評估順序/原則。
CEBM for SR: Q2
Is it unlikely that important, relevant studies were missed?
What is best?
The starting point for a comprehensive search for all relevant studies is the major bibliographic databases (eg Medline, Cochrane, EMBASE, etc) but should also include a search of reference lists from relevant studies and contact with experts, particularly to inquire about unpublished studies. The search should not be limited to English language only. The search strategy should include both MESH terms and text words.
Where do I find the information?
The Methods section should describe the search strategy, including the terms used, in some detail. The Results section will outline the number of titles and abstracts reviewed, the number of fulltext studies retrieved, and the number of studies excluded together with the reasons for exclusion. This information may be presented in a figure or flow chart.
In this paper:
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[ ] Unclear
Comment: ###
請將這些拆解的內容與目標,寫成適合用來評讀文獻的 prompt。各小題要各自評估(回答Yes/No/Unclear),回答時要引用原始文獻字句,最後總結要對原始問題做最後評估。最後的輸出要用 table。
請將此 prompt 輸出於 code block 內
CEBM for SR: Q2
Is it unlikely that important, relevant studies were missed?
What is best?
The starting point for a comprehensive search for all relevant studies is the major bibliographic databases (eg Medline, Cochrane, EMBASE, etc) but should also include a search of reference lists from relevant studies and contact with experts, particularly to inquire about unpublished studies. The search should not be limited to English language only. The search strategy should include both MESH terms and text words.
Where do I find the information?
The Methods section should describe the search strategy, including the terms used, in some detail. The Results section will outline the number of titles and abstracts reviewed, the number of fulltext studies retrieved, and the number of studies excluded together with the reasons for exclusion. This information may be presented in a figure or flow chart.
In this paper:
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[ ] Unclear
CEBM for SR: Q3
Were the criteria used to select articles for inclusion appropriate?
What is best?
The inclusion or exclusion of studies in a systematic review should be clearly defined a priori. The eligibility criteria should specify the patients, interventions or exposures, and outcomes of interest. In many cases, the type of study design will also be a key component of the eligibility criteria.
Where do I find the information?
The Methods section should describe in detail the inclusion and exclusion criteria, which typically includes the study design.
In this paper:
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[ ] Unclear
CEBM for SR: Q4
Were the included studies sufficiently valid for the type of question asked?
What is best?
The article should describe how the quality of each study was assessed using predetermined quality criteria appropriate to the type of clinical question (e.g., randomization, blinding, and completeness of follow-up).
Where do I find the information?
The Methods section should describe the assessment of quality and the criteria used. The Results section should provide information on the quality of the individual studies.
In this paper:
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[ ] Unclear
CEBM for SR: Q5
Were the results similar from study to study?
What is best?
Ideally, the results of the different studies should be similar or homogeneous. If heterogeneity exists the authors may estimate whether the differences are significant (chi-square test). Possible reasons for the heterogeneity should be explored.
Where do I find the information?
The Results section should state whether the results are heterogeneous and discuss possible reasons. The forest plot should show the results of the chi-square test for heterogeneity and discuss reasons for heterogeneity, if present.
In this paper:
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[ ] Unclear
我的PICO:「P: CPR case / I: steroid / O: ROSC rate」
以下是 pubmed 搜尋的文章標題列表,請判斷這些標題和「我的PICO」兩者的相似度,相似度請用1~10分來評估。
結果輸出請用表格,表格欄位: 標題 | 符合P | 符合I | 符合O | 相似度分數 | PMID連結。符合的項目請輸出「●」,不符合請空白。PMID欄位請呈現 {PMID}({PMID})
1: Ge L, Li Y, Zhou J, Zhao X, Chen X, Wang W, Li Z, Ge P, Cui L. Effect of
different treatment protocols on in vitro fertilisation/intracytoplasmic sperm
injection (IVF/ICSI) outcomes in adenomyosis women: a systematic review and
meta-analysis. BMJ Open. 2024 Jul 18;14(7):e077025. doi:
10.1136/bmjopen-2023-077025. PMID: 39025820; PMCID: PMC11261672.
2: Zhou FW, Liu C, Li DZ, Zhang Y, Zhou FC. Efficacy and safety of
corticosteroid therapy in patients with cardiac arrest: A meta-analysis of
randomized controlled trials. Am J Emerg Med. 2024 Jan;75:111-118. doi:
10.1016/j.ajem.2023.10.031. Epub 2023 Oct 30. PMID: 37939521.
3: Kong SY, Jung E, Hwang SS, Ro YS, Shin SD, Cha KC, Hwang SO. Circulating
Vitamin D Level and Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death and Cardiovascular Mortality: A
Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Prospective Studies. J Korean Med Sci. 2023 Aug
21;38(33):e260. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2023.38.e260. PMID: 37605499; PMCID:
4: Hameed I, Malik S, Nusrat K, Siddiqui OM, Khan MO, Mahmood S, Memon A, Usman
MS, Siddiqi TJ. Effect of vitamin D on postoperative atrial fibrillation in
patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting: A systematic review and
meta-analysis. J Cardiol. 2023 Sep;82(3):220-224. doi:
10.1016/j.jjcc.2023.05.007. Epub 2023 May 24. PMID: 37236436.
5: Glujovsky D, Lattes K, Miguens M, Pesce R, Ciapponi A. Personalized embryo
transfer guided by endometrial receptivity analysis: a systematic review with
meta-analysis. Hum Reprod. 2023 Jul 5;38(7):1305-1317. doi:
10.1093/humrep/dead098. PMID: 37203432.
6: Yan W, Dong W, Song X, Zhou W, Chen Z. Therapeutic effects of vasopressin on
cardiac arrest: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open. 2023 Apr
17;13(4):e065061. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-065061. PMID: 37068900; PMCID:
7: Jiang Y, Wang L, Shen H, Wang B, Wu J, Hu K, Wang Y, Ma B, Zhang X. The
effect of progesterone supplementation for luteal phase support in natural cycle
frozen embryo transfer: a systematic review and meta-analysis based on
randomized controlled trials. Fertil Steril. 2023 Apr;119(4):597-605. doi:
10.1016/j.fertnstert.2022.12.035. Epub 2022 Dec 24. PMID: 36574915.
8: Elbadawi A, Tan BE, Assaf Y, Elzeneini M, Baig B, Hamed M, Elgendy IY, Mamas
M. Meta-Analysis of Efficacy of Vasopressin During Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation. Am J Cardiol. 2022 Oct 15;181:122-129. doi:
10.1016/j.amjcard.2022.06.042. Epub 2022 Aug 5. PMID: 35934565.
9: Abdelazeem B, Awad AK, Manasrah N, Elbadawy MA, Ahmad S, Savarapu P, Abbas
KS, Kunadi A. The Effect of Vasopressin and Methylprednisolone on Return of
Spontaneous Circulation in Patients with In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Am J
Cardiovasc Drugs. 2022 Sep;22(5):523-533. doi: 10.1007/s40256-022-00522-z. Epub
2022 Mar 22. PMID: 35314927.
10: Holmberg MJ, Granfeldt A, Mentzelopoulos SD, Andersen LW. Vasopressin and
glucocorticoids for in-hospital cardiac arrest: A systematic review and meta-
analysis of individual participant data. Resuscitation. 2022 Feb;171:48-56. doi:
10.1016/j.resuscitation.2021.12.030. Epub 2022 Jan 3. Erratum in: Resuscitation.
2023 Sep;190:109929. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2023.109929. PMID: 34990764.
11: Sahebnasagh A, Nejad PS, Salehi-Abargouei A, Dehghani MH, Saghafi F. A
characterization of cortisol level and adrenal reservation in human
cardiopulmonary arrest: systematic review and meta-analysis. Syst Rev. 2021 Oct
8;10(1):266. doi: 10.1186/s13643-021-01820-4. PMID: 34625103; PMCID: PMC8499554.
12: Mizrachi Y, Horowitz E, Ganer Herman H, Farhi J, Raziel A, Weissman A.
Should women receive luteal support following natural cycle frozen embryo
transfer? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Hum Reprod Update. 2021 Jun
22;27(4):643-650. doi: 10.1093/humupd/dmab011. PMID: 33829269.
13: Shah K, Mitra AR. Use of Corticosteroids in Cardiac Arrest-A Systematic
Review and Meta-Analysis. Crit Care Med. 2021 Jun 1;49(6):e642-e650. doi:
10.1097/CCM.0000000000004941. PMID: 33729721.
14: Glujovsky D, Pesce R, Sueldo C, Quinteiro Retamar AM, Hart RJ, Ciapponi A.
Endometrial preparation for women undergoing embryo transfer with frozen embryos
or embryos derived from donor oocytes. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2020 Oct
28;10(10):CD006359. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006359.pub3. PMID: 33112418; PMCID:
15: Cozzolino M, Busnelli A, Pellegrini L, Riviello E, Vitagliano A. How vitamin
D level influences in vitro fertilization outcomes: results of a systematic
review and meta-analysis. Fertil Steril. 2020 Nov;114(5):1014-1025. doi:
10.1016/j.fertnstert.2020.05.040. Epub 2020 Oct 1. PMID: 33012554.
16: Liu B, Zhang Q, Li C. Steroid use after cardiac arrest is associated with
favourable outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Int Med Res. 2020
May;48(5):300060520921670. doi: 10.1177/0300060520921670. PMID: 32400236; PMCID:
請寫出三個背景問題(background question)
及三個前景問題(foreground question)
緊急的CPR流程在第一時間就展開,相關小組成員很快到達了現場,現場的 leader 王醫師很熟練的下著指令:壓胸、Ambu給氣、準備給予 bosmin 1 amp。門診醫師黃醫師被通知,也趕緊過來現場,目前在急救病人平常是黃醫師在追蹤的,這次因為病人的血色素只有 5.5 ,所以他讓病人來治療室輸血。
黃醫師到急救現場時,詢問現場是否有皮質類固醇的針劑藥物,黃醫師表示若現場有相關藥物的針劑,馬上給病人打一劑類固醇。緊救現場的leader王醫師雖然自己心中沒有很贊同緊救當下給予類固醇,因為目前使用類固醇在心跳停止 (cardiac arrest) 時並沒有共識,便問黃醫師為何想用此藥物。
黃醫師表示,雖然類固醇對預後似乎有爭議,但有些報告有做出急救後恢復自發性循環 (return of spontaneous circulation, ROSC) 的比率比較高,即使可能只有一點點幫助,他還是想試看看。
西邊某間醫院的手術室,目前是使用 povidone-iodine 做為術前及術中皮膚消毒的方式,但近期因為 Surgical Site Infections (SSI) 監測指標超過閥值而被醫品部指示,要提出檢討方案。
你是此手術室的護理組長,此時你被交派一項任務,任務的內容是去收集 chlorhexidine 的製品中的各種不同濃度(0.5%, 2.0%, 4.0%等),和 povidone-iodine 相比預防 SSI 的成效如何?更進一步,能否估算減少 SSI 比率可帶來的可能成本效益?
南邊某間醫院手術室,目前是術前及術中皮膚消毒的方式有兩種方式可以選擇:0.5% chlorhexidine 及 povidone-iodine 消毒夜,手術時要選擇哪一種消毒方式是看執行手術的醫師的喜好,目前院方並沒有強制規定標準流程。
一天,王小姐住院要準備開脊椎手術,術前她就表示她自己對 povidone-iodine 會過敏,因此詢問是否有其它的消毒方式。主刀的彭醫師向王小姐說明,會採用另一種 chlorhexidine 的皮膚消毒方式。王小姐隨即再詢問,她自己在網路上有看到使用越高濃度的 chlorhexidine ,預防術後感染的效果越好,因為自己是開脊椎的刀,若有傷口感染怕會影響到神經系統,因此她想問說是否能使用較高濃度的 chlorhexidine 來消毒。
彭醫師向王小姐說明,目前院內只有單一種濃度的 chlorhexidine ,並沒有其它選擇。彭醫師在聽完病人的疑問後,心中有兩個疑問,(1) chlorhexidine 及 povidone-iodine 相比,哪一個 SSI 發生率較低; (2) 越高濃度的 chlorhexidine 真的效果越好嗎?其成本效益划算嗎?會不會有更多的副作用呢?
const CALENDAR_ID = '你的calendar ID'; // 替換成你的calendar IDconst OPENAI_API_TOKEN = 'Bearer sk-你的openAI API'; // 替換成你的openAI APIfunction doGet(e) {handleRequest(e.parameter.action);}function doPost(e) {handleRequest(e.postData.contents);}function handleRequest(data) {var eventData = JSON.parse(openAIGPT35Turbo(data));Calendar.Events.insert(eventData, CALENDAR_ID);}function openAIGPT35Turbo(userPrompt) {var url = '';var headers = {'Authorization': OPENAI_API_TOKEN,'Content-Type': 'application/json'};var inputPrompt = '今天的日期是 ' + getFormattedDate() + '。請將使用者輸入的句子轉為 google calendar json 格式,目的是添加新的行程於 google calendar中。輸出只需要寫出 json 內容,其餘都不需要寫。';var data = {'model': 'gpt-3.5-turbo','messages': [{ 'role': 'system', 'content': inputPrompt },{ 'role': 'user', 'content': userPrompt }],'temperature': 0.1,};try {var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, { 'method': 'post', 'headers': headers, 'payload': JSON.stringify(data) });return JSON.parse(response.getContentText())['choices'][0]['message']['content'];} catch (error) {Logger.log(error);return "Error: " + error;}}function getFormattedDate() {var today = new Date();var year = today.getFullYear();var month = String(today.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0');var day = String(today.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');var daysInChinese = ['星期日', '星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六'];return year + '-' + month + '-' + day + '(' + daysInChinese[today.getDay()] + ')';}
Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) 是一個從臨床經驗和最新的科學證據中獲得的醫學決策方法,它試圖解決傳統醫學中的局限性,這種方法可以幫助人們更好地了解不同治療方法的優缺點,以便做出更明智的決策。然而,初學者在實證五階段步驟(提出問題、搜集證據、評估證據、應用證據、評估結果)中常常遇到困難,初學者往往需要更多的指導與方向指引,此時使用自然語言處理技術的 ChatGPT 模型是可以用來幫助執行 EBM 的前面步驟。本文將介紹如何運用 ChatGPT 加速 EBM 的第1與第2步驟。
在 EBM 的第1步驟中需要明確提出一個可回答的臨床問題。這個問題應該是明確的、具體的、可測量的、有關聯性的、可行的和有意義的。只需要輸入一個簡要的問題描述,使用 ChatGPT 可以判別是否為「前景問題」、並將問題轉換為 PICO 架構、也可以判斷問題的類型(治療/預後/診斷/傷害)。
運用 ChatGPT 下指令需要注意以下三點:明確的問題、適當的關鍵詞、適時的導正方向。
至於要用「英文」或是「中文」發問呢?雖然 ChatGPT 的訓練資料庫是英文為大宗,但兩種語言我個人試過後,感覺答案的精準度還是「英文」會好一些。若英文不夠好,或是懶的再用中翻英後再問它(可另開另一個 ChatGPT 對話串翻譯、或用 DeepL 來翻),直接問「中文」也是 OK 的。以下範例為求平易近人(?),和 ChatGPT 的溝通仍使用中文來問。
在開始新一串 ChatGPT EBM 對話的第一個指令,可以先指示你想要 ChatGPT 扮演的角色、遵守的原則或規則。
![]() |
指令:我希望你能扮演一位專門在教「實證醫學(evidence based medicine)」教授的角色,你的目標聽眾是醫學生。資料來源以英文資料為主。除非我另有指定,以下的回答請盡可能翻譯成繁體中文來回答。如果你理解上述規則,請回答“是”。 |
下一步驟,我們可以測試 ChatGPT 是否熟悉實證醫學的基本常識。EBM第1步驟包含有前景問題、背景問題以及PICO架構。我們可以用這些問題來測試並指引 AI 教授的指導方向,好讓之後的對話能確保在正確的道路上。
![]() |
指令一:請用少於100字的內容解釋 "background question" 和 "foreground question"。指令二:請用少於100字的內容解釋 "PICO framework" |
進入正題,我在此網頁挑選了一個臨床問題: "對於患有SLE的成年患者,飲用薑黃茶是否比使用Plaquenil更有效地減輕關節疼痛?"(原文為: "In adult patients with SLE, is consuming turmeric tea more effective than Plaquenil at reducing joint pain?")。接下來,請 ChatGPT 判斷是「前景問題」或「背景問題」及拆解成 PICO 四要素。
在進入第二步驟之前,我們需要仔細檢查PICO,確保所有的英文單詞都被轉換並查找其同義詞。此外,我們需要定義問題類型,包括治療、預後、診斷和傷害。透過這些步驟,我們可以判斷哪一種醫學文獻最適合用來解答此臨床問題。這些問題,ChatGPT 是做的到的…
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指令:請將上述 PICO 轉換成英文關鍵字與同義字,並請分析此 PICO 是屬於哪一種問題類型(治療/預後/診斷/傷害)? 且適合用哪一種醫學文獻來解答此臨床問題? |
在EBM中,第二步驟的前半段在於把搜尋詞轉換為搜尋字串。轉換搜尋詞時,需要使用「同義詞」來進行搜索。以前教實證都會教 Mesh Terms 的使用,使用Mesh Terms進行轉換可以進一步提高搜索效率和準確性,不過越來越聰明的 Pubmed 已經具有自動轉換為MeSH terms的功能後,就比較少教了,但我們仍可試試 ChatGPT 在此方面的能力。決定好搜尋詞及 Mesh Terms後,就是選取 PICO 各部份的組合來進行搜尋,我們就請 Chat GPT 試看看最常使用 P+I 的組合。
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指令:我想用上述的 PICO 中的 P+I 來進行 PubMed 的文獻搜尋,請建議適合的搜尋字串。且若有適合的 MeSH Terms也包含在內。 |
我把 ChatGPT 建議的「搜尋字串」直接貼到 PubMed 中搜尋,PubMed有顯示出搜尋詞有小錯誤,沒關係,我就接受這一點小失誤繼續看下去,目前有搜尋到 25 篇文獻。
接著試著把前 10 篇文獻的標題用 PubMed 的 Save 功能 (Summary) 匯出,請 ChatGPT 幫我挑選有符合原始 PICO 的文獻,他幫我挑出了兩篇。
這次用 ChatGPT 來執行 EBM 的第一及第二步驟就告一段落。ChatGPT 輸出結果仍然不完美,但能有這樣輸出我給予 80 分的評分!
運用 ChatGPT 是可以做到 EBM 的第1與第2步驟。 然而,對於初學者來說,在使用 ChatGPT 進行問題求解時可能會遇到一些困難,由自然語言處理技術而生的 ChatGPT,他的回答是基於大量的訓練數據生成的,但這並不意味著它的回答是正確的,這時就會需要「人腦」去確保 ChatGPT 給出的答案是可靠的。
有人會問,AI 是否讓學習實證醫學變得無意義?實際上,AI 可能使得學習實證醫學變得更重要,因為你需要具備相關專業能力,才能判斷 AI 給出的答案是否正確。對於已經具備基本能力的人來說,善用 AI 可以縮短執行 EBM 或是寫 EBM 報告的時間。
使用 ChatGPT 時,需要注意問題的明確性、關鍵詞的適當性和答案的可靠性。在我與 ChatGPT 玩的過程中,有時他回答的方向會飄向奇怪的遠方,這時可以按「Regenerate reponse」請他重新回答,或是下一題請他導回正確方向。來來回回和 ChatGPT 對話是一件很好玩也很舒壓(?)的事,AI這幾個月的進步實在太快了,我們都應該抱著一頭熱的看熱鬧心情,一起來玩來趕上這個熱潮才是!
This 59 y/o male he last time admitted on 2019/04/10 admitted due to Productive
cough and intermtittent fever ,BW loss>10 Kg in 6 month ,CXR bilateral upper
lobe infiltration ,suspect pulmoanry TB ,After admission ,On air isolation ,F/U
Sputum AFB 1++++2++++ 3++++,On anti TB medication with Rina (300 )2#po qd ,EMB
2#po QD PZA 3# PO QD since 4/12. He asked discharged on 2019/04/15. He never
OPD follow up until 2022/07/04. Shopping hospital in recent 2 years due to
productive cough and shorthness of breath.
(1) 用刪除線來標註修改前內容
(2) 用粗體字來標註修改後內容
This 59 y/o male he last time admitted on 2019/04/10 admitted due to Productive
cough and intermtittent fever ,BW loss>10 Kg in 6 month ,CXR bilateral upper
lobe infiltration ,suspect pulmoanry TB ,After admission ,On air isolation ,F/U
Sputum AFB 1++++2++++ 3++++,On anti TB medication with Rina (300 )2#po qd ,EMB
2#po QD PZA 3# PO QD since 4/12. He asked discharged on 2019/04/15. He never
OPD follow up until 2022/07/04. Shopping hospital in recent 2 years due to
productive cough and shorthness of breath. ---
(1) 用刪除線來標註修改前內容
(2) 用粗體字來標註修改後內容
(3) 醫學專有名詞,不能用縮寫,請寫全名。
This 59 y/o male he last time admitted on 2019/04/10 admitted due to Productive
cough and intermtittent fever ,BW loss>10 Kg in 6 month ,CXR bilateral upper
lobe infiltration ,suspect pulmoanry TB ,After admission ,On air isolation ,F/U
Sputum AFB 1++++2++++ 3++++,On anti TB medication with Rina (300 )2#po qd ,EMB
2#po QD PZA 3# PO QD since 4/12. He asked discharged on 2019/04/15. He never
OPD follow up until 2022/07/04. Shopping hospital in recent 2 years due to
productive cough and shorthness of breath. ---
(1) 用刪除線來標註修改前內容
(2) 用粗體字來標註修改後內容
(3) 醫學專有名詞,不能用縮寫,請寫全名。
第二部份輸出: 把修改後無標記的文字,輸出 in code block
This 59 y/o male he last time admitted on 2019/04/10 admitted due to Productive
cough and intermtittent fever ,BW loss>10 Kg in 6 month ,CXR bilateral upper
lobe infiltration ,suspect pulmoanry TB ,After admission ,On air isolation ,F/U
Sputum AFB 1++++2++++ 3++++,On anti TB medication with Rina (300 )2#po qd ,EMB
2#po QD PZA 3# PO QD since 4/12. He asked discharged on 2019/04/15. He never
OPD follow up until 2022/07/04. Shopping hospital in recent 2 years due to
productive cough and shorthness of breath. ---
This 59 y/o male he last time admitted on 2019/04/10 admitted due to Productive
cough and intermtittent fever ,BW loss>10 Kg in 6 month ,CXR bilateral upper
lobe infiltration ,suspect pulmoanry TB ,After admission ,On air isolation ,F/U
Sputum AFB 1++++2++++ 3++++,On anti TB medication with Rina (300 )2#po qd ,EMB
2#po QD PZA 3# PO QD since 4/12. He asked discharged on 2019/04/15. He never
OPD follow up until 2022/07/04. Shopping hospital in recent 2 years due to
productive cough and shorthness of breath.
2024/11/24 15:11
Brief history:
This 89-year-old male patient was admitted through the Emergency Room (ER) due to tremors, vomiting, and drowsiness that began earlier this afternoon. His medical history includes:1.Right head injury with a prior craniotomy (Burr hole) on September 3, 2024.2.Type 2 diabetes mellitus.3.He was recently discharged from the Neurosurgery Department on October 29, 2024, following treatment for a right frontal-temporal-parietal (F-T-P) subdural effusion with mass effect and midline shift. He had been bedridden and on nasogastric (NG) feeding since discharge.
According to his caregiver, the patient developed a fever with chills this afternoon, along with shortness of breath and vomiting. There were no reports of cough, seizures, local joint pain, or dysuria. Due to these symptoms, he was brought to our ER for further evaluation.Upon arrival in the ER, the patient's Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score was E4 V1 M3. His vital signs were as follows:Temperature: 38.8°C,Pulse: 112 /bpm.Respiratory rate: 26/min,BP: 107/68 mmHg.Physical examination revealed coarse breath sounds, a soft abdomen, and no pitting edema.Laboratory results showed the following WBC: 13.69 x10^3/uL,RBC: 4.78 x 10?/?L,Hb: 13.9 g/dL,Hct: 40.5%,Segs: 82.7%, Lymphocytes: 3.8%, Bands: 11.5%. Urinalysis revealed:Leukocyte esterase: 3+,Color: Yellow,Turbidity: Cloudy,Protein: 50 mg/dL,WBC: ?100/HPF.Chest X-ray showed no active lesions. A Head CT revealed an old subdural hematoma (SDH) but no new active lesions.Under the tentative diagnosis of :1.Fever, likely secondary to urinary tract infection (UTI),2.Old subdural hematoma (SDH) in a bedridden,3.Type 2 diabetes mellitus. He was admitted to ward for further evaluation and management.
Course and treatment:
At ward, GCS E3-4V21M4 , BT:37.8度 PULSE:106次/分 RESP:20次/分 BP:140/84mmHg SpO2:98% , kept Flomoxef 1g q8h ivf use. On nasal cannula O2 2-3
L/min, on NG tube with NG feeding 1600kcal/day. Closely follow up clinical symptom.
Active problem:
1. Urinary tract infection
2. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
藥名 劑量 用法 數量
N/S 袋裝【500】ml/bag(run 40ml/hr病房常備藥) 1000ML QD 7天
Acetaminophen 500mg/tab(Acetal)(PRN, Q4H, For Feve 1PC PRN 7天
r > 38℃(發燒 > 38℃時))
Flomoxef***1gm/vial(Flumarin)(in NS 100ml run 0.5 1PC Q8H 7天
hr *照會感控醫師審核用藥之適當性)
N/S 袋裝【500】ml/bag(in NS 100ml run 0.5hr fo 100ML Q8H 7天
r Flomoxef use病房常備藥)
Midodrine 2.5mg/tab(Midorine) 2PC Q6H 9天
Atorvastatin 10mg/tab(Atorva) 1PC BID 9天
Sennoside A+B 12.5mg/tab(Sennapur) 2PC HS 9天
GALVUS Met(Vildagliptin 50mg/metformin 500mg)/tab 1PC QD PC PO 9天
2024/11/25 16:41
Had fever
T:36.8/℃ P:89/min R:18/min
非語言疼痛評估量表(NVPS):0分 記錄日期: 2024/11/25 17:46
Conscious E3-4V3M4
Ear: no discharge, hearing impairment
Breath pattern:shallow, no distress. on O2 N-C 2-3L/min,SpO2: 97-100%
Neck: no bruits; no JVD
Heart: regular heart beat, no S3, no murmur
Abdomen: soft, no tenderness
Extremities: no pitting edema, bed rest.
NG tube (+)
11/25 08:30 299
11/25 13:15 225
醫師同意營養師陳怡琪對此病患營養建議:2024/11/25 15:07:48
焦點問題:NG feeding assessment
S:1.present feeding:益力壯14 150c.c.(1.0kcal/c.c.)/q4h for 6meals.
2.主護:gastric empty well
O:1.Diagnosis:1.Urinary tract infection
2.Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
2.BH:167cm BW:(11/23)62.6kg IBW:61kg
3.Present dietary order:(11/23)NG feeding
4.(11/23)Glu:212 BUN:17 Cre:0.74 Ccr:99.6 GPT:27 Na:133.9 K:4.1
(11/24)SBS:8:30 328
A:1.BMI:22.45→body weight in normal range
益力壯17 280c.c.(1.0kcal/c.c)/q4h for 6meals calories:1680kcal/day protein:71.4g/day
1. Urinary tract infection
2. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
1. Flomoxef 1gm/vial(Flumarin) q8h ivf use
2. DC GALVUS Met, Regular human insulin by scale treatment
Check blood sugar
2024/11/26 15:43
No fever
T:37.1/℃ P:88/min R:18/min
非語言疼痛評估量表(NVPS):0分 記錄日期: 2024/11/26 15:40
Conscious E3-4V3M4
Ear: no discharge, hearing impairment
Breath pattern:shallow, no distress. on O2 N-C 2-3L/min,SpO2: 98-100%
Neck: no bruits; no JVD
Heart: regular heart beat, no S3, no murmur
Abdomen: soft, no tenderness
Extremities: no pitting edema, bed rest.
NG tube (+)
2024/11/26 08:44
測量病患血糖:229mg/dl,告知病人或家屬同意後胰島素注射,藥名、劑量:▲Regular human insulin 1000u/10ml/vial 6UN,部位:左前臂D1
2024/11/26 13:13
測量病患血糖:231告知病人或家屬同意後胰島素注射,藥名、劑量:▲Regular human insulin 1000u/10ml/vial 6UN,部位:左前臂E1
1. Urinary tract infection
2. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Consult rehabilitation department for swallowing rehabilitation
2024/11/27 11:47
No chilness, no fever
T:36.8(2024/11/27 11:27)/℃ P:82(2024/11/27 11:27)/min R:18(2024/11/27 11:27)/min
BP:130(2024/11/27 11:27)/74(2024/11/27 11:27)mmHg
非語言疼痛評估量表(NVPS):0分 記錄日期: 2024/11/27 11:46
Glasgow coma scale E3-4V3M4
Ear: no discharge, hearing impairment
Breath pattern:shallow, no distress. on O2 N-C 2L/min,SpO2: 97-100%
Neck: no bruits; no JVD
Heart: regular heart beat, no S3, no murmur
Abdomen: soft, no tenderness
Extremities: no pitting edema, bed rest.
NG tube (+)
11/27 08:30 F/S:243mg/dL
09:25 Regular human insulin 6UN SC USE
1. Urinary tract infection and bacteremia ( urine culture and blood culture: Escherichia coli on 2024/11/23 )
2. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
1. Flomoxef 1gm/vial(Flumarin) q8h ivf use
2. GALVUS Met(Vildagliptin 50mg/metformin 500mg) 1pc po once and qd use
3. Discontinue 0.9% N/S 1000ML IVF QD, change 0.9% N/S for drug
Discontinue 0.9% N/S 1000ML IVF QD, change 0.9% N/S for drug
2024/11/28 14:14
No fever
T:36.7(2024/11/28 11:30)/℃ P:91(2024/11/28 11:30)/min R:18(2024/11/28 11:30)/min
BP:130(2024/11/28 11:30)/77(2024/11/28 11:30)mmHg
非語言疼痛評估量表(NVPS):0分 記錄日期: 2024/11/28 10:00
Conscious E3-4V3M4
Ear: no discharge, hearing impairment
Breath pattern:shallow, no distress. on O2 N-C 2-3L/min,SpO2: 98-100%
Neck: no bruits; no JVD
Heart: regular heart beat, no S3, no murmur
Abdomen: soft, no tenderness
Extremities: no pitting edema, bed rest.
NG tube (+)
11/28 08:25 BS:270
1. Urinary tract infection and bacteremia ( urine culture and blood culture: Escherichia coli on 2024/11/23 )
2. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
1. Flomoxef 1gm/vial(Flumarin) q8h ivf use
2. GALVUS Met(Vildagliptin 50mg/metformin 500mg) 1pc po qd change bid use
2024/11/29 10:31
No cough, no fever
T:36.8(2024/11/29 07:33)/℃ P:88(2024/11/29 07:33)/min R:20(2024/11/29 07:33)/min
BP:128(2024/11/29 07:33)/85(2024/11/29 07:33)mmHg
非語言疼痛評估量表(NVPS):0分 記錄日期: 2024/11/29 10:00
Conscious E3-4V3M4
Ear: no discharge, hearing impairment
Breath pattern:shallow, no distress. room air, SpO2:99%
Neck: no bruits; no JVD
Heart: regular heart beat, no S3, no murmur
Abdomen: soft, no tenderness
Extremities: no pitting edema, bed rest.
NG tube (+)
11/29 08:30 Blood Sugar:204
1. Urinary tract infection and bacteremia ( urine culture and blood culture: Escherichia coli on 2024/11/23 )
2. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
1. Discontinue Flomoxef 1gm(Flumarin) IVF Q8H, change Cefixime 200mg(Cexime) po bid treatment
2. Discharge today (2024/11/29)
Discharge today
2024/11/23 20:24
類別 醫囑名稱 用法/方向 檢體/部位
Admit to the service of Dr
Diagnosis(1):(Urinary tract infection)
Diagnosis(2):(Right chronic subdural hematoma (SDH), (MCA) infarct, left hemiparesis)
Diagnosis(3):(Type 2 DM)
Vital Sign:(qid + prn)
Diet as tolerated
O2 Nasal Cannula(2-3L/min use)
Pulse oximeter(天)(BID)
Record I/O(QD)
(腎內)KIDNEYS ECHO (檢查室執行)
類別 藥品名稱 劑量 用法 飯前後 途徑 數量 流速 首日量
NEW N/S 袋裝【500】ml/bag 1000ML QD IVF 7天 0PC
(run 40ml/hr病房常備藥)
NEW Acetaminophen 500mg/tab(Acetal) 1PC PRN PC PO 7天 0PC
(PRN, Q4H, For Fever > 38℃(發燒 > 38℃時))
NEW Flomoxef***1gm/vial(Flumarin) 1PC Q8H IVF 7天 5PC
(in NS 100ml run 0.5hr *照會感控醫師審核用藥之適當性)
NEW N/S 袋裝【500】ml/bag 100ML Q8H IVF 7天 0PC
(in NS 100ml run 0.5hr for Flomoxef use病房常備藥)
NEW Midodrine 2.5mg/tab(Midorine) 2PC Q6H PC PO 9天 14PC
NEW Atorvastatin 10mg/tab(Atorva) 1PC BID PC PO 9天 3PC
NEW Sennoside A+B 12.5mg/tab(Sennapur) 2PC HS PC PO 9天 4PC
NEW GALVUS Met(Vildagliptin 50mg/metformin 500mg)/tab
2024/11/23 22:17
類別 醫囑名稱 用法/方向 檢體/部位
DC Diet as tolerated
On NG tube
Consult 營養治療科
2024/11/24 08:26
類別 醫囑名稱 用法/方向 檢體/部位
PHYSICAL RESTRAINT(DAY) 約束 (成人) (次,>8小時)(for 行為紊亂、協助治療、有自拔管路動機; 約束部位: 雙手 約束用具:棒球手套+ 棉質腕踝帶)
2024/11/25 08:53
類別 醫囑名稱 用法/方向 檢體/部位
(腎內)KIDNEYS ECHO (檢查室執行)
2024/11/25 09:42
類別 醫囑名稱 用法/方向 檢體/部位
PHYSICAL RESTRAINT(DAY) 約束 (成人) (次,>8小時)
DC (腎內)KIDNEYS ECHO (檢查室執行)
2024/11/25 10:39
類別 醫囑名稱 用法/方向 檢體/部位
2024/11/25 10:49
類別 醫囑名稱 用法/方向 檢體/部位
FINGER SUGAR血糖試驗 (成人)(QID and by HR scale) CONT
類別 藥品名稱 劑量 用法 飯前後 途徑 數量 流速 首日量
DC-D GALVUS Met(Vildagliptin 50mg/metformin 500mg)/tab
NEW ▲Regular human insulin 1000u/10ml/vial 1UN QID AC SC 7天 1UN
(If SBS 141-180 2U;181-220 4U;221-260 6U;261-300 8U;301-340 10U;341-380 12U;381-420 14U; >421 16U)
2024/11/26 09:49
類別 醫囑名稱 用法/方向 檢體/部位
PHYSICAL RESTRAINT(DAY) 約束 (成人) (次,>8小時)
2024/11/26 13:13
類別 醫囑名稱 用法/方向 檢體/部位
(復健) 複雜治療
(復健) 物理治療評估
(復健) 語言治療:複雜
(復健) 吞嚥治療 Simple swallowing therapy
(復健) 語言治療評估
2024/11/27 11:05
類別 藥品名稱 劑量 用法 飯前後 途徑 數量 流速 首日量
DC-D N/S 袋裝【500】ml/bag 1000ML QD IVF 7天
(run 40ml/hr病房常備藥)
NEW GALVUS Met(Vildagliptin 50mg/metformin 500mg)/tab
NEW GALVUS Met(Vildagliptin 50mg/metformin 500mg)/tab
2024/11/28 11:07
類別 醫囑名稱 用法/方向 檢體/部位
PHYSICAL RESTRAINT(DAY) 約束 (成人) (次,>8小時)
類別 藥品名稱 劑量 用法 飯前後 途徑 數量 流速 首日量
DC-C GALVUS Met(Vildagliptin 50mg/metformin 500mg)/tab
CHG GALVUS Met(Vildagliptin 50mg/metformin 500mg)/tab
NEW 栓劑Bisacodyl 10 mg/supp. 1PC ONCE RECT 0PC 0PC
2024/11/29 09:01
類別 醫囑名稱 用法/方向 檢體/部位
Discharge order(11/29)
Discharge Today(11/29)
出院狀況:改本院門診治療 RTC/Fu of 開立診斷書(1份)
類別 藥品名稱 劑量 用法 飯前後 途徑 數量 流速 首日量
NEWD GALVUS Met(Vildagliptin 50mg/metformin 500mg)/tab
NEWD Cefixime**100mg/cap(Cexime) 2PC BID PC PO 6天 24PC
2024/11/29 09:06
類別 藥品名稱 劑量 用法 飯前後 途徑 數量 流速 首日量
DC-V GALVUS Met(Vildagliptin 50mg/metformin 500mg)/tab
NEWD GALVUS Met(Vildagliptin 50mg/metformin 500mg)/tab